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Even though Miami Heat superstar Dwyane Wade is a professional athlete, he spent most of his 20s eating the things the average person likes to eat too, like cheeseburgers, fried chicken fingers and all kind of sweets. And why not? He loses around five pounds a game (really!), which is why on a typical game day he will consume 4,000 to 5,000 calories.

Wade is currently busy battling the Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals, but he recently started another battle; the one with his own mind and body to cut out the junk food and start eating healthy. He told ESPN in January that turning 30 made him more aware of what he was putting in his body and that nutrition is now an important part of his game, and he’s never felt better.

Feeding Wade is no small task. Who is the man cooking all that food?

His name is Chef Richard Ingraham, a Miami native and personal chef, who loves the demanding challenge of cooking healthy foods that are satisfying enough for a star athlete. When he’s not busy cooking for superstars, he hosts cooking demos at schools to teach children healthy eating habits.

So what’s on a 4,000 to 5,000 calorie game day menu?

“Egg whites, turkey sausage, whole wheat toast and juice for breakfast,” Ingraham says. “Lunch is traditionally a pasta with red sauce, and either turkey or chicken breast. A post game meal helps to replenish what [Wade’s] body has lost due to his strenuous activity. Non-game days could have roasted pork loin, herb brown rice, salad and water for dinner.”

For the rest of us (the non-professional athletes without a private chef) making healthy choices can be a bit harder. But it is easy to incorporate Wade’s new healthy ways on your own by just being mindful of what you eat.

“Wade watches his fat, sugar, and sodium intake, and eats lots of fresh organic fruits and vegetables,” Ingraham says.

If you have a juicer (a great investment if you don’t), try one of Wade’s favorite juice recipes (he drinks at least one juice a day) created by Chef Ingraham.

Put two beets, three carrots, two kale leaves, some ginger and one green apple into your juicer. It’s easy and delicious. The secret ingredient? Ingraham adds a little liquid chlorophyll (found in any health food store) into Wade’s juice. Ingraham says it increases red blood cells and in turn increases Wade’s body’s utilization of oxygen making him body stronger and more powerful.

*Talk to a doctor before adding supplements




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